Virginia Reunion: The Thomas Family







"Out Of The Gardens Of Angels Above, God Picked Our Loved Ones To Share His Love."

Welcome to the website of the Thomas Family of Virginia. We are the descendants of William Abraham Thomas (b. 1864), Bettie Mayo (b. 1863), and Belden “Belle” Boyd (b. 1869) of Mecklenburg, Virginia. William and Bettie were married in 1884 and had one son: Isaac. William and Belle were married in 1890 and had six children: Jimmie, Elizabeth, Mollie, Joseph Elmore, Clarence and Lelia. From their offspring and through successive generations we have grown to include hundreds of family members living throughout the United States.

Every two years we join together in a family reunion in Virginia. We are grateful for a safe and successful August 13, 2022 reunion. Our next reunion is Saturday, August 10, 2024 at the Woodfied Club in South Hill, Virginia and a Meet 'n Greet on Friday, August 9, 2024 at the South Hill Hampton Inn.

Please keep us updated on the latest address information and assist us in making this website an ongoing repository for our family history as well as the history of the many branches of our extended family through marriages and unions.

We encourage and look forward to our family members submitting new material, family narratives, ongoing historical updates, photos and news and events of interest to the family. So much that is both exciting and sorrowful can happen between the reunions that take place every two years and certainly the hours we spend together on this single August Saturday cannot provide us with all the catching up we would like to do so please keep the Reunion Committee updated with your family’s information. The Reunion Committee has posted the latest Family Tree updates on the website. Contact us by email if you wish to provide us with new informatin.

Additionally, we would welcome information on those happenings on the “other” side of your family. Perhaps, you have other reunions you will be attending for which we can post information and certainly the family would find it fascinating and informative to look at other branches of other Trees. The value of doing much of this online is the ability to take complicated branches of many sides of our families and post them as links within our website or as links to other sites.

Send your photos especially any older photos you have of a historical nature. We can post them in our Photos section.

© 2010-2024 Thomas Family Reunion Committee | LaCrosse, Virginia